Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is not a medically approved way to manage PCOS. For more tailored and accurate advice, please consult your GP or a specialist.

Test your PCOS Knowledge!

This quiz is intended to provide general information about PCOS for educational purposes. It's important to note that symptoms and treatment options for PCOS can vary from person to person.

1. What does PCOS stand for?

2. Which of the following is a common symptom of PCOS?

3. Which of the following is NOT a type of PCOS?

4. Which of the following food items is NOT recommended for a PCOS diet?
5. Which of the following is recommended for a PCOS diet?
6. Which of these exercises is recommended during the Menstrual Phase of your cycle?
7. Which of these seeds are recommended in the Follicular Phase of your cycle?
8. Why is an Inositol supplement beneficial for PCOS?